Comprehensive Eye & Vision care

For Patients of All Ages in Charleston

How to Ease Eye Allergy Symptoms—Part 1


Hello, and welcome back. As summer comes to close and fall sets in here in South Carolina, this is often a time when people are bombarded with seasonal allergies. Eye allergies, in particular, can really mess up your day; between red, itchy eyes, swollen eyelids, and the endless stream of tears, there are a number of other symptoms that accompany seasonal allergies. Yet, there is hope for those who suffer from allergies! In today’s blog post, we’ll begin looking at how to get relief from itchy, watery, puffy eyes.

What Causes Eye Allergies?

Your body, as with other allergic reactions, is overreacting to something; in this case, it is likely allergens in the air given off by pollens, trees, grasses, weeds, and even mold spores. The immune system reacts to these allergens by making antibodies which cause your eyes to release histamine—a compound released by the cells in response to allergic reactions. While all eye allergies may seem the same, there are actually two types: seasonal allergies, which are the most common, and perennial allergies that happen all year long.

How to Relieve Eye Allergies

There are many ways to ease eye allergy symptoms.

  • Pay Attention to the News. Local news stations will often offer air quality alerts during the weather and traffic reports informing viewers about pollen counts and higher pollution levels.  
  • Stay Indoors. When pollen counts are at their highest in the early morning and early evening, allergy sufferers will certainly show symptoms when outdoors. Keep the windows shut and run the air conditioner if possible.
  • Wear Eye Protection. Wear either sunglasses (preferably sunglasses with big frames) or eyeglasses to shield the eyes from pollen and other air allergens that float in the air.

Call Crescent Eye Care

While these suggestions may help relieve your eye allergies, they probably won’t cure your allergies. For affordable eye care here in Charleston, call us at Crescent Eye Care to schedule an appointment for an eye exam. We can recommend prescription eye drops and other treatments which may provide effective relief for your eye allergies. Thank you for reading part one of our short blog series and be sure to tune in next time for more helpful tips for relieving eye allergies.